AttitudeState satAtt; Vector AngVel(3); AngVel(1) = 0.1; satAtt.SetRotation(Rotation(Quaternion(0,0,0,1))); satAtt.SetFrame(new AttitudeFrameBO); satAtt.GetFrame()->SetReference(satOrbitState); satAtt.SetAngularVelocity(AngVel); cout << satAtt.GetRotation().GetDCM() << endl;
/* */ #include "Matrix.h" #include "RungeKuttaIntegrator.h" #include "LinearInterpolator.h" #include "Plot.h" #include "Attitude.h" #include "AttitudeState.h" #include <vector.h> using namespace std; // Torque function that will be called each timestep Vector NullFunctor(const ssfTime& _pSSFTime, const OrbitState& _pOrbitState, const AttitudeState& _pAttitudeState) { return Vector(3); } /* static Vector EugeneDynamics(const ssfTime &_time, const Vector& _integratingState, Orbit *_Orbit, Attitude *_Attitude, const Matrix &_parameters, const Functor &_forceFunctorPtr) { //function statedot=test1_rhs(t,state) static Vector h = _integratingState(_(1,3)); //h=state(1:3); static double T = _integratingState(4); //T=state(4); Matrix I(3,3); //I=[100 0 0;0 200 0;0 0 150]; I(1,1) = 100; I(2,2) = 200; I(3,3) = 150; static Vector w = I.inverse() * h; //w=inv(I)*h; Vector ge(3); //ge=[0 0 0]'; static Vector hdot = skew(w) * h + ge; //hdot=-cr(w)*h+ge; static Vector wdot = I.inverse() * hdot; //wdot=inv(I)*hdot; static Matrix temp = (~ge * wdot); //Tdot=ge'*wdot; double Tdot = temp(1,1); static Vector statedot(hdot.getIndexBound() + 1); statedot(_(1, hdot.getIndexBound())) = hdot(_); statedot(hdot.getIndexBound()+1) = Tdot; return statedot; //statedot=[hdot; Tdot]; }*/ static Vector AttituteDynamics(const ssfTime &_time, const Vector& _integratingState, Orbit *_pOrbit, Attitude *_pAttitude, const Matrix &_parameters, const Functor &_forceFunctorPtr) { // Initialize the vectors used in the calculation. // made static, which causes the memory to be allocated the first time the function is called // and then left in memory during the program to speed up computation. static Vector stateDot(7); static Matrix bMOI(3,3); static Matrix qtemp(4,3); static Matrix Tmoment(3,1); static Vector qIn(4); static Vector wIn(3); // Retrieve the current integration states to a quaternion and angular velocity vector qIn = _integratingState(_(VectorIndexBase,VectorIndexBase + 3)); wIn = _integratingState(_(VectorIndexBase + 4,VectorIndexBase + 6)); qIn /= norm2(qIn); // Calculate qDot qtemp(_(VectorIndexBase+0,VectorIndexBase+2),_(VectorIndexBase+0,VectorIndexBase+2)) = skew(qIn(_(VectorIndexBase+0,VectorIndexBase+2))) + qIn(VectorIndexBase+3) * eye(3); qtemp(VectorIndexBase+3, _(VectorIndexBase+0,VectorIndexBase+2)) = -(~qIn(_(VectorIndexBase+0,VectorIndexBase+2))); qtemp(_,MatrixIndexBase) = 0.5 * qtemp * wIn; // Get the moments of inertia and calculate the omegaDot bMOI = _parameters(_(MatrixIndexBase+0,MatrixIndexBase+2),_(MatrixIndexBase+0,MatrixIndexBase+2)); Tmoment = (bMOI.inverse() * (Tmoment - skew(wIn) * (bMOI * wIn))); // Combine the qDot and omegaDot into a stateDot vector stateDot(_(VectorIndexBase,VectorIndexBase + 3)) = qtemp(_,MatrixIndexBase); stateDot(_(VectorIndexBase + 4,VectorIndexBase + 6)) = Tmoment(_,MatrixIndexBase); cout << 0.5 * ~wIn * (bMOI * wIn); return stateDot; } int main() { // Setup an integrator and any special parameters RungeKuttaIntegrator myIntegrator; myIntegrator.SetNumSteps(1000); // Integration times vector<ssfTime> integrationTimes; ssfTime begin(0); ssfTime end(begin + 20); integrationTimes.push_back(begin); integrationTimes.push_back(end); // Create the initial attitude state AttitudeState myAttitudeState; myAttitudeState.SetRotation(Rotation(Quaternion(0,0,0,1))); Vector initAngVelVector(3); initAngVelVector(1) = 0.1; myAttitudeState.SetAngularVelocity(initAngVelVector); SpecificFunctor AttitudeForcesFunctor(&NullFunctor); // Create the matrix of parameters needed for the RHS - MOI Matrix Parameters = eye(3); Matrix I(3,3); //I=[100 0 0;0 200 0;0 0 150]; I(1,1) = 100; I(2,2) = 200; I(3,3) = 150; Vector h(3); h(1) = 10; h(2) = 20; h(3) = 30; Vector w = I.inverse() * h; Matrix Tmat = 0.5 * (~w * (I * w)); Vector initEugeneState(4); initEugeneState(_(1,3)) = h(_(1,3)); initEugeneState(4) = Tmat(1,1); cout << "PropTime = " << begin.GetSeconds() << " s -> " << end.GetSeconds() << " s" << endl; cout << "Attitude State: " << ~myAttitudeState.GetState() << endl; // Integrate over the desired time interval tick(); Matrix history = myIntegrator.Integrate( integrationTimes, // seconds &AttituteDynamics, myAttitudeState.GetState(), NULL, NULL, Parameters, AttitudeForcesFunctor ); cout << "finished propagating in " << tock() << " seconds." << endl; // Output the flight history //cout << history; Matrix plotting = history(_,_(MatrixIndexBase,MatrixIndexBase+4)); // Plot2D(plotting); // Create & populate an AttitudeHistory object AttitudeHistory myAttHistory; myAttHistory.SetInterpolator(new LinearInterpolator); Vector AngVel(3); Vector Quat(4); Rotation myRot; for(int jj = 1;jj <= history[MatrixRowsIndex].getIndexBound(); ++jj) { AngVel = ~(history(jj, _(6,8))); Quat = ~(history(jj,_(2,5))); myRot.Set(Quaternion(Quat)); myAttHistory.AppendHistory(history(jj,1), myRot, AngVel); } // Output the attitude state at a requested time double requestTime; cout << "Output attitude state at time (s): " << flush; cin >> requestTime; ssfTime myTime(requestTime); myAttHistory.GetState(myTime, myRot, AngVel); cout << myTime.GetSeconds() << " : " << ~myRot.GetQuaternion() << endl; /* // Verifying the energy Matrix calcHistory = history; for(int ii = 1; ii <= history[MatrixRowsIndex].getIndexBound(); ++ii) { h = ~(history(ii,_(2,4))); w = I.inverse() * h; Tmat = 0.5 * (~w * (I * w)); calcHistory(ii,5) = Tmat(1,1); } Plot2D(calcHistory);*/ // Store the output to file ofstream ofile;"AttitudeHistory.dat"); ofile << history; ofile.close(); return 0; } // Do not change the comments below - they will be added automatically by CVS /***************************************************************************** * $Log: testAttitudeIntegration.cpp,v $ * Revision 1.5 2003/05/22 14:48:11 nilspace * It works, for now. Changed so integrator just takes NULL pointers to Attitude & Orbit. * * Revision 1.4 2003/05/22 03:02:52 nilspace * Pass pointers to Orbit & Attitude in integrator (pointers to NULL). * * Revision 1.3 2003/05/19 19:19:55 nilspace * Updated to include Eugene's "test case". Also made the RHS dynamic equation variables declared as static. * * Revision 1.2 2003/05/13 18:55:50 nilspace * Fixed to work with the new integrator, eugene's functions, History, and interpolation. * * Revision 1.1 2003/05/10 01:53:37 nilspace * Initial submission. Works, but needs to be refined. * * ******************************************************************************/