
AttitudeState encapsulates an instantaneous representation of an attitude, as well as the frame from which it is referenced. Also included is all the functionality for converting between the frames and accessing or changing the associated rotation.

AttitudeState satAtt;
Vector AngVel(3); AngVel(1) = 0.1;
satAtt.SetFrame(new AttitudeFrameBO);

cout << satAtt.GetRotation().GetDCM() << endl;


#include "Matrix.h"
#include "RungeKuttaIntegrator.h"
#include "LinearInterpolator.h"
#include "Plot.h"
#include "Attitude.h"
#include "AttitudeState.h"
#include <vector.h>
using namespace std;

// Torque function that will be called each timestep
Vector NullFunctor(const ssfTime& _pSSFTime, const OrbitState& _pOrbitState, const AttitudeState& _pAttitudeState)
    return Vector(3);
static Vector EugeneDynamics(const ssfTime &_time, const Vector& _integratingState, Orbit *_Orbit, Attitude *_Attitude, const Matrix &_parameters, const Functor &_forceFunctorPtr)
    //function statedot=test1_rhs(t,state)
    static Vector h = _integratingState(_(1,3));        //h=state(1:3);
    static double T = _integratingState(4);             //T=state(4);

    Matrix I(3,3);                              //I=[100 0 0;0 200 0;0 0 150];
        I(1,1) = 100;
        I(2,2) = 200;
        I(3,3) = 150;
    static Vector w = I.inverse() * h;                  //w=inv(I)*h;
    Vector ge(3);                               //ge=[0 0 0]';
    static Vector hdot = skew(w) * h + ge;              //hdot=-cr(w)*h+ge;
    static Vector wdot = I.inverse() * hdot;            //wdot=inv(I)*hdot;
    static Matrix temp = (~ge * wdot);                  //Tdot=ge'*wdot;
    double Tdot = temp(1,1);
    static Vector statedot(hdot.getIndexBound() + 1);
        statedot(_(1, hdot.getIndexBound())) = hdot(_);
        statedot(hdot.getIndexBound()+1) = Tdot;
    return statedot;                            //statedot=[hdot; Tdot];


static Vector AttituteDynamics(const ssfTime &_time, const Vector& _integratingState, Orbit *_pOrbit, Attitude *_pAttitude, const Matrix &_parameters, const Functor &_forceFunctorPtr)
    // Initialize the vectors used in the calculation.
    //  made static, which causes the memory to be allocated the first time the function is called
    //  and then left in memory during the program to speed up computation.
    static Vector stateDot(7);
    static Matrix bMOI(3,3); 
    static Matrix qtemp(4,3); 
    static Matrix Tmoment(3,1);
    static Vector qIn(4); 
    static Vector wIn(3);
    // Retrieve the current integration states to a quaternion and angular velocity vector
    qIn = _integratingState(_(VectorIndexBase,VectorIndexBase + 3));
    wIn = _integratingState(_(VectorIndexBase + 4,VectorIndexBase + 6));
    qIn /= norm2(qIn);

    // Calculate qDot
    qtemp(_(VectorIndexBase+0,VectorIndexBase+2),_(VectorIndexBase+0,VectorIndexBase+2)) = skew(qIn(_(VectorIndexBase+0,VectorIndexBase+2))) + qIn(VectorIndexBase+3) * eye(3);
    qtemp(VectorIndexBase+3, _(VectorIndexBase+0,VectorIndexBase+2)) = -(~qIn(_(VectorIndexBase+0,VectorIndexBase+2)));
    qtemp(_,MatrixIndexBase) = 0.5 * qtemp * wIn;

    // Get the moments of inertia and calculate the omegaDot
    bMOI = _parameters(_(MatrixIndexBase+0,MatrixIndexBase+2),_(MatrixIndexBase+0,MatrixIndexBase+2));
    Tmoment = (bMOI.inverse() * (Tmoment - skew(wIn) * (bMOI * wIn)));
    // Combine the qDot and omegaDot into a stateDot vector
    stateDot(_(VectorIndexBase,VectorIndexBase + 3)) = qtemp(_,MatrixIndexBase);
    stateDot(_(VectorIndexBase + 4,VectorIndexBase + 6)) = Tmoment(_,MatrixIndexBase);

    cout << 0.5 * ~wIn * (bMOI * wIn);
    return stateDot;

int main()
    // Setup an integrator and any special parameters
    RungeKuttaIntegrator myIntegrator; 
    // Integration times
    vector<ssfTime> integrationTimes;
    ssfTime begin(0);
    ssfTime end(begin + 20);
    // Create the initial attitude state
    AttitudeState myAttitudeState;
    Vector initAngVelVector(3);
        initAngVelVector(1) = 0.1;
    SpecificFunctor AttitudeForcesFunctor(&NullFunctor);
    // Create the matrix of parameters needed for the RHS - MOI
    Matrix Parameters = eye(3);
    Matrix I(3,3);                              //I=[100 0 0;0 200 0;0 0 150];
        I(1,1) = 100;
        I(2,2) = 200;
        I(3,3) = 150;
    Vector h(3);
        h(1) = 10;
        h(2) = 20;
        h(3) = 30;

    Vector w = I.inverse() * h;
    Matrix Tmat = 0.5 * (~w * (I * w));
    Vector initEugeneState(4);
        initEugeneState(_(1,3)) = h(_(1,3));
        initEugeneState(4) = Tmat(1,1);

    cout << "PropTime = " << begin.GetSeconds() << " s -> " << end.GetSeconds() << " s" << endl;
    cout << "Attitude State: " << ~myAttitudeState.GetState() << endl;
    // Integrate over the desired time interval
    Matrix history = myIntegrator.Integrate(
                            integrationTimes,           // seconds

    cout << "finished propagating in " << tock() << " seconds." << endl;                                 
    // Output the flight history
    //cout << history;
    Matrix plotting = history(_,_(MatrixIndexBase,MatrixIndexBase+4));

//    Plot2D(plotting);
    // Create & populate an AttitudeHistory object
    AttitudeHistory myAttHistory;
    myAttHistory.SetInterpolator(new LinearInterpolator);
    Vector AngVel(3);
    Vector Quat(4);
    Rotation myRot;
    for(int jj = 1;jj <= history[MatrixRowsIndex].getIndexBound(); ++jj)
        AngVel = ~(history(jj, _(6,8)));
        Quat = ~(history(jj,_(2,5)));
        myAttHistory.AppendHistory(history(jj,1), myRot, AngVel);
    // Output the attitude state at a requested time    
    double requestTime;
    cout << "Output attitude state at time (s): " << flush;
    cin >> requestTime;
    ssfTime myTime(requestTime);
    myAttHistory.GetState(myTime, myRot, AngVel);
    cout << myTime.GetSeconds() << " : " << ~myRot.GetQuaternion() << endl;

    // Verifying the energy
    Matrix calcHistory = history;
    for(int ii = 1; ii <= history[MatrixRowsIndex].getIndexBound(); ++ii)
        h = ~(history(ii,_(2,4)));
        w = I.inverse() * h;
        Tmat = 0.5 * (~w * (I * w)); 
        calcHistory(ii,5) = Tmat(1,1);
    // Store the output to file
    ofstream ofile;
    ofile << history;

    return 0;
// Do not change the comments below - they will be added automatically by CVS
*       $Log: testAttitudeIntegration.cpp,v $
*       Revision 1.5  2003/05/22 14:48:11  nilspace
*       It works, for now. Changed so integrator just takes NULL pointers to Attitude & Orbit.
*       Revision 1.4  2003/05/22 03:02:52  nilspace
*       Pass pointers to Orbit & Attitude in integrator (pointers to NULL).
*       Revision 1.3  2003/05/19 19:19:55  nilspace
*       Updated to include Eugene's "test case". Also made the RHS dynamic equation variables declared as static.
*       Revision 1.2  2003/05/13 18:55:50  nilspace
*       Fixed to work with the new integrator, eugene's functions, History, and interpolation.
*       Revision 1.1  2003/05/10 01:53:37  nilspace
*       Initial submission. Works, but needs to be refined.


Generated on Wed Aug 6 12:58:40 2003 for Open-Sessame Framework by doxygen1.3